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Blade Tracking LED's

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:11 pm
by bryancobb
Hey Folks:

I built a set of these a couple of years ago. And they WORRRKKKK!!! You can track the blades, in flight, at night. You can even identify which blade needs bearing replacement.

I had 2 blades that followed the same tip bath within about 1/8". Then one blade flew 2 inches high on the advancing side and 1" low on the retreating side.

After a LOT of scratching my head and trying to figure out WHY, I just gave up. Then I sent this drawing to my friend who has a B-2. He made him a set and had almost the identical situation.

He replaced the bearings in the ONE blade that was flying erratically. Now they all three track well.

Re: Blade Tracking LED's

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:06 pm
by SunHelo Mark
Cannot access your attachment.. says there's an error (am i doing something wrong?)

Re: Blade Tracking LED's

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:06 am
by psehorne
Blade tracking L.E.D.s are available from Safari Helicopters ... lights.htm
$90 for 2, $120 for 3