CH 7 Angel,, comparable?

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CH 7 Angel,, comparable?

Post by scrapper »

Greetings all. I happened across a youtube of the CH 7 Angel ultra light, it is made in Italy and sold/serviced
in Europe only. Pretty snappy and now they make a 2 seater.

Man I wish Brantly would resurface here, add in some 2013 tech advances and
what machine that would be. I think it would sell. Doubt if Brantly ever
was a good marketer.

Back to the CH 7, is there anything similar in the US, pre-assembled quality ultralight?

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Re: CH 7 Angel,, comparable?

Post by 9121u »

HI OWEN yes there is its called .a mosquito ultralight helicopter ..just search that name youll find there web sight.I have had several type experimental helicopters I personally will not own one again unless its... dirt cheap... and use it only to hover play around. they all have there own built in design problems.. that's my opinion
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Re: CH 7 Angel,, comparable?

Post by 9121u »

OWEN if your going to go experimental helicopter might want to wait till the mosquito co. comes out with there new 2 seat helicopter its called the SWIFT.its going to use a 360 lycoming engine.. i like that part..I wish they would of used 3 blade rotor system.its a much better safer system. but that's my opinion.. if it comes out right ?? this will be a very good bad its 2 blade rotor. at least there on the right track for using a bullet proof i am waiting to see. but might be to old to watch its track record for component to be correct. it takes a lot of hours to be proven.most designer's / engineers do not do a lot of there can be a lot of Fla's built right in some of the designs. that just can not be fixed....but any how I will keep an eye on this one.
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