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Max Performance and Autorotation Videos

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:45 pm
by N2285U
Hi Guys,

I was going through my old videos and found some solo flights I made back in my B2B in 2003. I'm sorry for the quality. These were shot from an old VHS-C camcorder that I velcroed to the center console. It was a very dreary winter day with a 500 ft or less ceiling.

The first video was taken from my home. It was a vertical takeoff with roughly 15 ft clearance on the left side and 30 on the right. The trees were about 40-50 ft and I was definitely in no man's land for the first 20 seconds. The B2B is a very stable ship.

The second video was about 45 minutes later that day where I was practicing 180 autos. I could not quite get all the way around since I had to start them so low with the ceiling. It was a fairly windy day also.

I really miss the old machine.

Re: Max Performance and Autorotation Videos

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:49 pm
by N2285U
Not sure why those links are not working. Just go into YouTube and search baronpilot2bb or brantly helicopter and they should come up.