B2B Wreckage for sale

Brantly helicopters and parts wanted or for sale.

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B2B Wreckage for sale

Post by n2141u »

I was just notified by my insurance company that they will be settling my claim for my accident on May 5th. If anyone is interrested in bidding for the remains, you can call (800) 618-2555. This is the agent in Montreal, Canada. They will answer the phone in French, but will switch to English as soon as you say "Hello". Ask to speak with Jean-Francois (pronounced John Fran-swah). He is the agent handeling the case.
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Ron Spiker
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Post by Ron Spiker »

May 5th??
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Steve Chenoweth
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Wreckage Photo

Post by Steve Chenoweth »

N2141U has provided a picture of the wreckage.

The engine had 1330 hrs since overhaul and was running very strong.
(All cylinders tested good). The transmission has 3026 hrs. remaining and
the over-running cluch has 2321 hours remaining. The engine
needs to be torn down and rebuilt . After the blades sheared off, the engine
over-reved for a short time before shutting down. The fuselage is not in too
bad shape. The bubble will have to be replaced as well as the rotor and tail
rotor assemblies.

The auction will probably end tomorrow.

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