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Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:49 am
by scrapper
For those that don't know me, I do not own a Brantly but expect to inside of 12 months
Date keep s getting pushed out family thinks school shoes and college tuition are more important, ha.

I am not shifting allegiance from the B@B but am looking for views Hughes 300, it looks newer in design would it be more amiable to flying in light rian and generally have some more weather flexable? Amazing I think just 20 more HP yet its load is much high and can carry 3 people.

I am well aware its entry price is much, much higher. If one were going to use it for significant business use might it be more practical? Can carry a 250# person etc.

Told my spouse we need one of each!! Uhhmm.
Thx for any thoughts