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Need CFI in Tennesee

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:50 pm
by J-nut
Hey guys,

Jim Garst has this ad running on Just Helicopters. Maybe someone can help him out...

If anyone has a Brantly and would like to train one of my instructors in one for about 5 hours please contact me. We have a customer that owns one and wants to get his private in it. Let me know.

Thanks or call me 865-388-4324

Re: Need CFI in Tennesee

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:00 pm
by bryancobb
Dave Matthews lives just outside of Chattanooga. I'm sure he'd be glad to. He has a beautiful tight ship. There's only 1 catch.

His wife Patsy is in bad shape and they are in and out of Tennessee and Jax Florida. She's on the waitin' list for a liver transplant.

Contact him through this forum. He goes by HELISCAN.

Re: Need CFI in Tennesee

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:06 pm
by senglish
We can do it here in Texas, if we can help please let us know.

Shan English
Alpha Aviation of texas INC.