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Looking for a Brantly and CFI.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:52 pm
by J-nut
I need to finish up my commercial and CFI. Will probably do it in the 300 but thought I'd check and see if anyone out there is a CFI and has access to a Brantly they might be able to do it in. I'd be looking to try and fast-track it and knock it out in two weeks. I have the hours, just need some intensive ground and flying to get the autos down.

Would be willing to trade maintenance if that might sweeten the deal. I have done the Brantly school, worked on heli's 12+ years and have my own Micro-Vibe for doing track and balance.

Re: Looking for a Brantly and CFI.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:47 pm
by tom dunno
Dear J-Nut, What are you doing now and where. Congratulations on your endeavor and hope all is well and that you are happy there. Aviation is a labor of love and those who have dealt with it know as much. I am new to Brantly and am building a business in training. I hope to cross paths with you some day and we can talk. Tom Dunno, NW Ohio Helicopters LLC, VNW Airport. Brantly is the best kept secret in Rotorcraft!