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That Model! It's Mine!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:55 am
by bryancobb
Hey guys, I clicked on that ... lyb2b.html link
and I could not believe it.

Whoever ordered that model they are displaying in that picture, must
have owned my helicopter. N2175U.

It's the Army YHO-3BR imposter shown in the photo gallery here.

I guess co-inky-dinks happen huh?

Bryan Cobb


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 10:09 pm
by Steve Chenoweth
What a coincidence. Was that the paint scheme when you got it?

Yeah That's How it Looked

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:38 pm
by Guest
Hey Steve

I sent your decals out today.

Yes ...that model is colored just like mine WAS.

It just looked a little rattier!

The stick grip 337 is almoat unreadable. My 337 where I installed mine should be finished soon. My I.A. has the Feds scheduled to come up for a field approval sometime in the next few weeks