Flight instruction near Philadelphia

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Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:36 am

Flight instruction near Philadelphia

Post by Dave »

Does anyone where I can get flight instruction in the Philadelphia area? I called Brantly and they suggested I ask here. I'm a fixed wing pilot, SSEL (IFR). I own a Citabria that I base at Wings field.

Any ideas on what I can expect to pay for dual? I found an outfit in New Jersey using Schweizer 300's. They charge around 250/hour for dual.

Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:48 am
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Helicopter instruction

Post by saxonm »

They're getting $250.00 to $255.00 per hour here in the Dallas, Texas area for a Hughes 300. Kind of pricey

Flight Instruction

Post by GUEST »

Would you guys pay $100.00 per hour for dual instruction, in a Brantly, with a good, current Brantly CFI, Iffff.....

You were required to sign a Hold Harmless Waiver stating that...

"I understand that neither this Helicopter nor the CFI has INSURANCE. I further understand that the ship probably is poorly maintained, and the CFI's proficiency probably fails to meet the FAA's minimum standards, and his instructing skills may be poor. I fully understand this and still choose to fly. I agree to hold harmless, the pilot, the mechanic, and any other party who may be exposed in this situation."

Am I crazy for even thinking of teaching in my helicopter under these conditions?

Sorry Instructor I
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