Oil level

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Oil level

Post by seneca2e »

The book says maintain at 4 to 6 on the stick. Do you tend to keep it lower or higher? Probably have a little less blowby out the breather at the lower level. Has that been your experience?
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Re: Oil level

Post by 9121u »

I like to keep mine around 5 quarts min.if it is cumming out the breather they all seem to do that some what. that elbow breather fitting on the engine side i had turned mine up at a angle instead of down.ran the hose up then back down to the outlet tube...this lets it breath and also lets the oil drain back in the engine found this to stop the oil from being siphoned out in a some what manner and.. wall-la.. no more oil seeping out I all ways thought there was a old service letter on that problem maybe not sure tho but you can buy a retro kit for airplanes for this problem .my idea has been working fine for me.. whatcha think
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Joined: Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:35 pm

Re: Oil level

Post by seneca2e »

Good idea Tom. Mine is angle up at an angle as well then comes down and out the left side. The air oil separators have mixed reviews. Lots of knowledgeable people think they put back into your oil supply some pretty nasty stuff. You see those a lot on wet vacuum pumps in airplanes as well.
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