Not Brantly but Helicopters

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Not Brantly but Helicopters

Post by edspilot »


Just thought I'd check in and say hi. The R22 is flying well and have put 180 hours on it since I purchased it May 2009. Hope all are doing well. Ron, hope are still progressing in your recovery, along with your father.

Anyway, just wanted to let all know the new Aircraft Re-Registration by the FAA is under way, some of you may have already got your notices, as I did. For those that have not,,

Here is my story:

I transferred my R22 from a individual into a LLC in March 2010 (becomes my new month of record). I got my letter Monday that said that my registration had "expired" on October 1, 2010 :( . However, I have a grace period until January 31, 2011. :)

However, regardless of when I renew (during this grace period) my renewal date is still October 1, three years, 2013. I completed the Re-Registration Online Monday, it was painless, except the $5.00 fee. :x :( My next renewal is due: October 1, 2013.

Just another tax.... I am sure the fee will increase by then, what do you think?

Anyway, be on the lookout for your letters as your month comes around.

Be safe & my best,

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Ron Spiker
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Re: Not Brantly but Helicopters

Post by Ron Spiker »

That's quite a lot of hours for a year and a half of flying. Nice going. Yes, we are progressing from our injuries. I missed a couple months of flying, but have done a lot over the last month now.

I have heard about the new registration requirements, but I haven't received mine yet. Soon enough, I'm sure. Thanks for the update.
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