Homer Bell's Fly-In 2004

Photos from Ron Spiker:

(click on link):  http://www.datacustoms.com/rspiker/


Photos from Don Lewellen:

dl-000strtg hmr trp 1.jpg
Don Lewellen's Brantly ready to go.
dl-001strtg hmr trp 2.jpg
Don's ready to hit the road.
dl-3 Brantlys at Homer's 2004.JPG
3 Brantlys at Homer's
dl-Another Max Take Off.JPG
Another max performance take-off
dl-At Bell Air Ranch.JPG
Bell Air Ranch
dl-Auto 2 at Homer's.JPG
dl-Auto at homer's.JPG
dl-Budget Flying.JPG
Budget flying
dl-Don over Homer's.JPG
Don over Homer's
dl-Hovering OGE.JPG
Hovering OGE
dl-Hovering OGE 2.JPG
Hovering OGE
dl-hovering practice.JPG
Hovering practice
dl-hovering some more.JPG
More hovering practice
dl-I thought I was brave.JPG
Thought you were brave?
dl-In for a landing.JPG
In for a landing
dl-Leaving for flight.JPG
Leaving for flight
dl-Low Fly By.JPG
Low fly-by
dl-Max Take Off.JPG
Max take-off
dl-more hovering.JPG
dl-moving side to side.JPG
Moving side-to-side
dl-MVC-113F.JPG dl-MVC-115F.JPG dl-MVC-119F.JPG
dl-MVC-120F.JPG dl-MVC-139F.JPG dl-MVC-140F.JPG
dl-MVC-141F.JPG dl-MVC-143F.JPG dl-MVC-144F.JPG
dl-MVC-145F.JPG dl-MVC-146F.JPG dl-MVC-148F.JPG
dl-MVC-149F.JPG dl-MVC-150F.JPG dl-MVC-151F.JPG
dl-MVC-152F.JPG dl-MVC-153F.JPG dl-MVC-154F.JPG
dl-MVC-155F.JPG dl-MVC-156F.JPG dl-MVC-157F.JPG
dl-MVC-158F.JPG dl-MVC-159F.JPG dl-MVC-161F.JPG
dl-MVC-162F.JPG dl-MVC-163F.JPG dl-MVC-178F.JPG
dl-MVC-179F.JPG dl-MVC-180F.JPG dl-MVC-181F.JPG
dl-MVC-182F.JPG dl-MVC-183F.JPG dl-MVC-186F.JPG
dl-MVC-187F.JPG dl-MVC-198F.JPG dl-MVC-199F.JPG
dl-Spiker & Lewellen at Homer's.JPG
Spiker and Lewellen
dl-Spiker & Lewellen at Homer's 2.JPG
Spiker and Lewellen
dl-too much fun.JPG
Too much fun